Wednesday, June 11, 2008


In my going out all together, like a candle. Alice

~The rain escapes through the window pelting
her. The sheer curtains are sighing across her
nude body like a chancellor choir. Her long braid
is looped around her left ankle, tilting her head
back, forcing her throat to become an offering.
The steady song of the rain and its slim slap
against her skin soften Ariana into a trance,
her lips parting to the beat of the elements...


the rain enters


~ The candles flicker out and her Mistress'
gloved hands simmer along her limbs in love
and pride, she kneads Ariana's buttocks,
slightly rougher with each touch. Ariana shivers
as Mistress' cool cape floats across her flesh.
At last Mistress' warm mouth is upon the heart
of Ariana's throat and she trembles into the
long body of the night...

her smaller heart

pulsing like gypsy blood




Beatrice V said...


Maria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fireblossom said...

I love the mixture of the elements and their passion. And of course, a D/s theme is always provocative.

Maria said...

As you are, and your own poetry.

Maria said...

The rain can seduce us, and
weaken some, the elements,the
female are one.

FeiraChic said...

Wow, this is defenetely an interesting blog! I'll have to come and read it more often! Tahnks for the lovely comments.

Maria said...

Please do, Dani.

Beatrice V said...

My earliuer comment refers to "her smaller heart..." I am back to comment on "the rain..." absolutely delicious.

Maria said...

Que bella, Wordcrafter, a deep
rose you are.