Saturday, September 6, 2008

Late Afternoon

In late afternoon she swoons upon the little purple

She comes to me in late afternoon
scrubbed and clean
her face and hair moist like a flower
kissed by dew

I drape her in ivory
she becomes a curtain swaying
to the touch of my rod

threaded to silken despair
she falls to her kness
her face lost between my thighs

as the sky puts on her purple robe
my own desdemona slips
to the floor

spent and trembling
between my leather-sheathed legs
her collar tinkles

as I spill upon her flesh
all my


Hola, darlings.


Fireblossom said...

I love the use of color and the metaphor of the curtain and rod.

I wonder, though, if she is Desdemona, does that make you Othello or Iago? *inspects for a cloven hoof*

It's very nice indeed to see you posting again. :-)

Beatrice V said...

Maria you are back... and this is beautiful. After a reflective and dormant summer(for me at least) hopefully there will be an autumn harvest.

Maria said...

No, it just makes me creative.

Maria said...

It has been a reflective summer
for many, myself included, and
I predict there will be an
autumn harvest, Wordcrafter.

FeiraChic said...

This is beautiful! Its early in the morning, I am at work and it felt great to read poetry!
Thanks for the nice comments on my blog. Glad you're back.

Maria said...

A lovely way to take a break at work. Your most welcome, Dani.

chella said...

"threaded to silken despair"
aren't we all?

Jane Doe said...

Wonderfully tender with a touch of the erotic, a delightful read!

Ekta said...

oh beautiful,the simplicity gives aches!

bard said...

Pristine, pulsating, passion!