Monday, June 2, 2008

Fallen Night

A woman every night journeys secretly...


~ Beneath my touch, her legs are tapered candles and
feathers, glowing and fluttering. Long delicate candles
alight as my hand taps the small ruby heart inside her

velvet-lined beauty. Only her hips are allowed to move,
her upper body is as still as the quiet ocean is tonight.

My lover's breathing is echoes a harp,and one slim
arm slips gently off the bed. She has come often and
is feeling faint, a shimmering mermaid, diamond-

like tears appear and my hand remains inside her
trembling beauty. She holds me. I continue to control
her hips until who she is, is another existence and her
face is exquisite as she orgasms, her emerald eyes

opening and closing, the black lashes kissing her cheeks.

I wash over her
a merciless ocean in love with the obsessional waves
drowning us both


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